Why Root Canal Therapy Can Be The Best Choice For You?

Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is one of the most common dental treatments available and has been used for decades to save teeth that have become severely decayed, infected or damaged. Root canal therapy can offer many benefits, from relieving pain to helping you keep your natural tooth. Whether it’s due to a deep cavity or trauma, Root Canal Therapy can be the best choice to help you get back on track with your oral health. In this article, we’ll discuss why Root Canal Therapy is a great solution for those looking to save their tooth and restore their smile.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root Canal Therapy, commonly referred to as RCT, is a dental procedure used to repair and save a tooth that has been damaged by decay or infection. The procedure involves removing the infected pulp from inside the root canal of the tooth, cleaning, disinfecting and then filling the cavity. Root Canal Therapy is a safe and effective way to save a tooth from being extracted.

The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

There are many benefits associated with Root Canal Therapy, including:

  • Pain Relief: Root Canal Therapy can provide relief from any pain caused by an infected or decayed tooth.
  • Keep Your Natural Tooth: Root Canal Therapy can help you keep your natural tooth, rather than having to replace it with an artificial one.
  • Save Money: Root Canals are often less expensive than replacing a tooth with an implant or bridge.
  • Prevent Complications: Root Canal Therapy prevents further complications such as infection and spread of bacteria.
  • Long Lasting: Root Canal Treatment is designed to last a lifetime and the filling should remain intact for many years.

What to Expect During Root Canal Treatment

Before Root Canal Therapy, your dentist will take X-rays and check the condition of your teeth and surrounding tissue. They will then anesthetize the affected area and isolate it from moisture.

During Root Canal Therapy, a series of small instruments are used to remove the infected pulp from the root canal system. The area is then cleaned and disinfected before being filled with a special material called gutta percha. Once this is done, your dentist will seal the opening to prevent further infection and decay.

Finally, after Root Canal Therapy is complete, your dentist will give you a crown to protect the area and restore it to its original shape and size. This crown can be made of either metal or porcelain.

Root Canal Therapy is a safe and effective way to save a tooth that has been damaged by decay or infection. It can provide pain relief, help you keep your natural tooth, and prevent further complications from occurring. Root Canal Therapy is designed to last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.


Q1: Is Root Canal Therapy painful?

A1: Root Canal Therapy can actually provide relief from any pain caused by an infected or decayed tooth. Root Canals are also usually done while under local anesthesia, so you shouldn’t feel anything during the procedure.

Q2: How long does Root Canal Therapy take?

A2: Root Canal Treatment typically takes one to two visits to complete, depending on the complexity of the case.

Q3: Is Root Canal Therapy expensive?

A3: Root Canals are often less expensive than replacing a tooth with an implant or bridge. Your dentist will be able to provide you with more information about cost after they assess your condition.

Know Everything About the Root Canal Therapy

Know Everything About the Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is mainly a dental procedure that helps in relieving pain, which happens due to an infected or abscessed tooth. During this procedure, the dental surgeon removes the infected pulp. Not only that, the surfaces of your inside tooth are cleaned as well as disinfected. Along with that, a filling is placed for sealing the space. Endodontic therapy is another name for root canal therapy. A root canal is effective in protecting your teeth from future infections. The therapy is carried out in the tooth pulp and it is the root canal.

Root Canal Treatment-What It Is?

A root canal is definitely not a treatment, but it is a part of the teeth. The root canal is the hollow section of your teeth, which contains the blood vessels, and nerve tissue. All these things are known as the pulp. A tooth contains a crown and roots. While the crown remains above the gum, the roots remain below it. The roots are responsible for attaching the teeth to the jawbone.

The pulp is responsible for nourishing the teeth and offering moisture, especially to the surrounding materials. It is the nerves that help in sensing hot and cold temperatures. There are certain steps that are necessary to keep in mind when it comes to root canal therapy. Here are the details of the steps that you should know about.

Cleaning The Root Canal

At first, the dentist removes anything that is present inside the root canal. With the local anesthesia, the dentist will make small access holes on your teeth and remove any dead pulp using small files.

Filling The Canals

Once the dentist cleans everything, shapes, and decontaminates, he then uses rubber-like materials for filling the gaps. Along with that, he uses adhesive cement for sealing the canals completely.

The doctor uses tiny files and irrigation solutions for cleaning the hollow area. After the cleaning is done, the tooth becomes dead and the patient will not feel any pain since the nerve tissue gets removed along with the infection.

Adding A Filling

Although you won’t feel any pain or discomfort, your teeth will become more fragile than before. Teeth having no pulp should continuously get all the nourishment from the ligament, which attaches the teeth to the bone. Although the supply is adequate; however, the teeth will turn out to be more brittle and for that, a crown will provide better protection.

Unless the crown is complete, the patient must not chew or bite using the tooth. Once the crowning is done, you can use the tooth-like before. The root canal therapy in Reno takes one appointment; however, if there are curved canals or bigger infections, you might need more than one appointment.

Is It Painful?

One of the common fears that most people have regarding root canal therapy it is painful. However, the treatment should be painless if it is carried out by any trained dental surgeon.

Root Canal Therapy in Reno

If you feel that your oral health is deteriorating, then it is important to take good care of it. One of the ideal ways is to consult your dental surgeon to reduce the amount of pain. Root canal therapy is always useful for maintaining the good health of your teeth. Want help regarding the treatment of root canal therapy in Reno, contact us today.