Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies You Can Try at Home

Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies You Can Try at Home

A bright, glowing smile is often considered an accessory that completes our overall look. However, with the constant consumption of coffee, tea and other stain-inducing food items, maintaining pearly whites can be quite a challenge. While professional teeth whitening treatments can provide quick results, they can also be expensive and may not always suit everyone’s budget. Fortunately, there are several natural teeth whitening remedies you can try at home that won’t break the bank! In this blog post, we’ll explore some tried-and-tested methods for achieving sparkling white teeth without leaving your house!

What are the Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies You Can Try at Home

There are a variety of natural teeth whitening remedies that you can try at home, without having to visit the dentist or spend a lot of money on expensive treatments. Here are some effective options:

1. Baking Soda: Mix baking soda with water and apply it to your teeth for 2-3 minutes per day. This will help scrub away surface stains and leave your teeth looking brighter.

2. Coconut Oil Pulling: Swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes daily can help reduce plaque buildup and promote whiter teeth.

3. Strawberries: Mash up strawberries into a paste and brush onto your teeth for a few minutes before rinsing off with water. The malic acid in strawberries helps remove discoloration from the surface of your teeth.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar: Gargling apple cider vinegar mixed with water once per day can help break down stubborn stains on your enamel.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide: Dilute hydrogen peroxide with water, swish it around in your mouth, then spit it out after 30 seconds – this is an easy way to lighten tooth color over time.

6. Lemon or orange peels: Rub the inside of a lemon or orange peel on your teeth for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Remember that these remedies may take time to show results, so consistent use is key!

When should you seek professional Help?

While natural teeth whitening remedies can be effective, there are times when seeking professional help is necessary. If you have tried various home remedies and still find that your teeth are not getting any whiter, it may be time to visit a dental professional.

One reason to consider professional help is if you have sensitive teeth or gum disease. These conditions require specific treatments that only a dentist can provide safely. Attempting to whiten your teeth at home with these conditions could cause further damage and pain.

Another reason to seek the assistance of a dentist is if you have stubborn stains on your teeth caused by genetics or medications. In such cases, over-the-counter products may not work as effectively as In-Office treatment options like laser whitening or custom-fitted trays.

If you want fast results for an upcoming event like a wedding or photoshoot, visiting a dental professional for in-office whitening procedures may offer the quickest and most dramatic results.

While natural methods of teeth whitening can be useful for maintaining oral hygiene and improving aesthetics, sometimes it’s best to leave it up to the professionals when needed.


Maintaining healthy and white teeth can boost your confidence. Natural teeth whitening remedies have been used for many years, and they are a great alternative to expensive professional treatments.

By incorporating natural remedies into your daily routine, you can improve the appearance of your teeth without causing any harm to your enamel or gums. However, it’s important to remember that these methods may not work for everyone and some people may need professional assistance.